Original 2020 Documents


In the era that we live in, society is so divisive! We don’t agree on much, but the one thing we all seem to agree on is that our country if not the world is all very much at odds, even fearfully so. It seems more so now than any other time during our lifetimes. We, the Staunch Moderates, are a movement about bringing people back together again. We need to do, what we need to do to unite. We don’t need such angry & divided behavior. We need to ask ourselves, “How do we each act out, and is it really necessary for our own or the greater good? “What can we come together on regarding common goals to get broad support?” We need to find commonality, so we can move forward and achieve our vital societal goals? If nothing else, this seems like is a conversation worth having.

Our stance is staunchly in the middle. The word “staunch” means loyal and committed in attitude. So this movement is about having a loyal and committed attitude that brings us all together towards a common middle ground, similar in concept as to our Declaration of Independence and Constitution from the beginning, we are to: evaluate, negotiate, compromise and decide into a moderate (most fair) conclusion and administration. This is who we Americans are.

Moderates are arguably the biggest subset from the body of our population but have never really been successfully organized as such.

Another recent and historic happening that I think we can all agree on is that both the Republican and Democratic political parties have gone through so much change in the last few years. Arguably these changes have caused significant damage if not destruction to the
parties as we knew them. This moment is a perfect opportunity to launch Staunch Moderates, a movement attempting to bring all of us back together from such a divisive and scary time.

We feel it’s our responsibility to at least have this conversation.

Membership to the Staunch Moderate Party does not exclude other affiliations. Please join our movement. The larger the membership, the more powerful our message and the more people will hear it. This is a message that needs to be heard...


Staunch Moderates is a common sense philosophy/perspective for us to set our differences aside and find common middle ground.  It’s to evaluate, negotiate, compromise, and decide the most equitable solutions humanly possible.  We understand that hardly anything in life is black & white but many shades of grey. There are almost always valid points to both sides of an argument.  This is applicable: interpersonally, with family, friends, community, regionally, nationally and internationally so. Our philosophy is to address each other and strangers with thoughtful moderation rather than  self-centered extremism that dominates political discourse and significantly human behavior. We should ask ourselves how we act out and if it’s truly necessary for our own or the greater good?  What can we do to not act out? We pride ourselves not only on our domestic membership but also international. We Staunch Moderates are all about addressing the divisiveness in society, and striving for both national and world peace.


Mission Statement

First off, we are a popular initiative, that is well branded and well packaged,  meaning interesting different moving parts.

Services we provide:

  1. We are providing a timely alternative political philosophy to the current two party system.

  2. Addressing the Divide.

  3. Striving for national and world peace.

  4. Providing civil discourse forums on major issues in society providing our audience and participants a snapshot of how the populous feels about issues at the targeted markets we are asking the questions at.

  5. We are providing unbiased news without all the pundits, where people can make decisions for themselves (or where our participants are actually the pundits). We are having the conversation!, as laid out in our Platform, our first published document.

  6. We are a polling service.

  7. We seem well postured with this well branded & popular initiative, political party and all, to perhaps become a major news distribution source, a la CNN & Fox News, but Staunch Moderates News the unbiased news in the middle.

Key Words:   #Political Party, #Philosophy, #Divisiveness, #Polarization, Coalition, Peace


  • Staunch Moderate is someone who understands and accepts that there are valid perspectives from both the conservative and liberal blocks in American politics.

  • A Staunch Moderate is committed to learning and understanding both sides of an argument before they make conclusions.

  • A Staunch Moderate is capable of listening and discussing politics with anyone from either side of the political spectrum.

  • We Staunch Moderates pride ourselves on our domestic and international membership.

  • We promote civil discourse in order to discover where we have common ground and how can we accomplish vital societal goals.

  • Staunch Moderates is committed to keeping up with the news and rejecting partisan editorial opinions, political punditry and social media posts that cater to an uncompromising political base.

  • Staunch Moderates believe public policy isn’t about parties and politicians, it’s about us.