Looking at Politics through Moderate Political Philosophy

Fiery rhetoric is a showy tool for fanning already inflamed passions on the campaign trail, but it’s sizzle without any steak. A reasoned debate that takes a balanced approach to major issues is the way to go. A moderate political philosophy that shuns wild extremes and partisan stances show us a way forward. 

Moderates speak with a voice of reason and rationality. They look for the sense and overall good in any issue and eschew the parts that are based on divisiveness and rivalry. In short, moderates have a full measure of something that is often sorely lacking in our political process -- common sense. They realize there are valuable ideas on both sides of any debate, and they look for the nuggets of wisdom that can be polished and employed for the benefit of all and not just one party or constituency. That is the value of moderate political philosophy.

Politics are partisan by their nature, but the approach of “my ideas are better than yours” is not one that fosters the greater good. Seeing an issue as clearly black or white is not reflective of reality where, as we all know, nearly every topic is tinted with shades of grey. Taking an approach of moderation sets aside the ways of the past that have been proven not to work. Reason and relevancy form our path at Staunch Moderates.

Moderates are not new on the political scene, but they have not been as valued or organized as they should have been. Now is the time that moderate political philosophy is given heed. You don’t have to look far to see the extremes of the political process reflected in our daily lives, and it’s also not hard to see the damage being done. Taking the time to step back from the fringes and look clearly at the issues as a whole is the way to a reasoned consensus that benefits everyone.