Taking a Look at Global Warming

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The argument about global warming is one that has been covered in the media for the last three decades. During this time, there has been a lot of opinion pieces presented as fact. We are here to talk about these opinions.

The side that believes in global warming states that there has been a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the planet. They believe that this temperature change has been caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as a wide array of other pollutants.

Individuals who do not believe in climate change is a pressing issue have a variety of opinions. Some people believe that the change is part of nature, and it is something that was meant to happen, while others feel that this is a political issue that has been trumped up by left-leaning individuals who want to scare people into becoming part of their causes.

The critical thing to understand when it comes to global warming is that this is a political debate. If you have an opinion about this debate, you should be ready for this opinion to change, as nothing has been officially settled. As individuals with moderate political views that are open to many beliefs, the Staunch Moderates team would like to know more about your thoughts on this debate.


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