Welcome to the Staunch Moderates Blog

Have you ever found yourself in a political conversation with someone you respect, only to discover that they seem to only cite the democratic or republican beliefs without taking any time to think about other perspectives? The founders of Staunch Moderates have noticed this problem occurring often and have founded this organization to help bring perspective to the political conversation.

It seems that moderate politics has taken a backseat to political parties that insist that you, a freethinking individual, put their best interests first. It does not matter if it affects you or the people in your area in a negative way. Their thoughts and opinions are correct, and the only way to be. It is hard to even attempt to reason with people who are stuck in these ways.

If you are the type of person that keeps up with the news, rejects partisan politics, and enjoys having political discourse where individuals listen to each other instead of yelling like a pack of barking dogs, our group is for you. By signing up today, you will receive newsletters about our movement, and gain access to forums where we discuss vital societal issues in a civilized manner.


Promoting Moderate Political Beliefs


Taking a Look at Global Warming